Published Texts

• 1980

1. Loparic, Z. (1980). Decidability and Cognitive Significance in Carnap. In A. I.  Arruda, et al. (Orgs.), Proceedings of the Third Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic (17-22/12/79) (pp. 173-197). São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica. 

• 1982

2. Loparic, Z. (1982). Decidability and Cognitive Significance in Carnap. Cadernos de História e Filosofia da Ciência, (3), 89-90. 

• 1984

3. Loparic, Z. (1983). Problem-Solving and Theory Structure in Mach. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 15(1), 23-49. 

4. Loparic, Z. (1984). Decidability and Cognitive Significance in Carnap. In J. J. E. Gracia, et al. (Orgs.), Philosophical Analysis in Latin America (pp. 313-337). Dordrecht: Reidel.

5. Costa, N. C. A. & Loparic, Z., (1984). Edmund Husserl: Studien zur Arithmetik und Geometrie. Zentralblatt für Mathematik, 10-11. (Review)

• 1987

6. Loparic, Z. (1987). Kant’s Dialectic. NOUS, (21), 573-593.

7. Loparic, Z. (1987). Decidabilidade y la significación cognitiva in Carnap. In J. J. E. Gracia, et al. (Orgs.), El análisis filosófico en America Latina. México, DF: Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. 

• 1988

8. Loparic, Z. (1988). System-Problems in Kant. Synthese, 74(1), 107-140.

• 1990

9. Loparic, Z. (1990). The Logical Structure of the First Antinomy. Kant-Studien, 81(3), 280-303.

• 1991

10. Loparic, Z. (1991). Optuzenik Heidegger: Esej o opasnosti filozofije. Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko drustvo (Sociedade Croata de Filosofia).

11. Loparic, Z. (1991). La finitud de la razón observaciones sobre el logocentrismo kantiano. In D. Sobrevilla (Org.), Filosofia, política y estética en la Crítica del Juicio de Kant (pp 29-47). Lima (Peru): Instituto Goethe. 

12. Loparic, Z. (1991). Kant on Indirect Proofs. O que nos faz pensar, (4), 56-60.

13. Loparic, Z. (1991). Konacnost uma. Filozofska istrazivanja, 11(1), 39-51. 

14. Loparic, Z. (1991). Finality of Reason. Synthesis philosophica, 6(1), 215-229. 

15. Loparic, Z. (1991). Kant’s Philosophical Method (I). Synthesis Philosophica, 6(2), 467-483.

• 1992

16. Loparic, Z. (1992). Kant’s Philosophical Method (II). Synthesis Philosophica, 7(1), 361-381. 

• 1993

17. Loparic, Z. (1993). Kantova filozofska metoda (II). Filozofska istrazivanja, 13(2), 397-415. 

• 1998

18. Loparic, Z. (1998). Winnicott y el pensamiento posmetafísico. Postdata, 2(3), 137-159.

• 1999

19. Loparic, Z. (1999). Heidegger’s Project of a Hermeneutic Anthropology. Memórias del XIV Congreso Intermericano de Filosofia, Puebla ‘99. Cidade de México: Associación Filosófica Mexicana. (CD-Rom). 

20. Loparic, Z. (1999). Das Faktum der Vernunft: eine semantische Auslegung. Homepage of the IX Internacional Kant Congress. (Abstract). 

21. Loparic, Z. (1999). Heidegger and Winnicott. Natureza Humana, 1(1), 103-135.

• 2000

22. Loparic, Z. (2000). Is the Enlightenment an Outdated Program. Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, 7, 211-220. Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University.

23. Loparic, Z. (2000). Heideggerov nacrt hermeneuticke antropologije. Filozofska istrazivanja, 20(4), 672-680. 

• 2001

24. Loparic, Z. (2001). Das Faktum der Vernunft: eine semantische Auslegung. Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, 3 (pp 63-71).

• 2002

25. Loparic, Z. (2002). Winnicott’s Paradigm Outlined. Revista latinoamericana de psicopatologia fundamental, 5(1), 61-98. 

• 2005

26. Loparic, Z. (2005). “Cristicism and semantics”. Resumos do X Congresso Kant Internacional – Direito e paz na Filosofia de Kant (p. 200). São Paulo: UNICAMP, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.

• 2007

27. Loparic, Z. (2007). Kant´s Semantic Turn. Kant e-Prints, série 2, 2(1), 105-115.

28. Loparic, Z. (2007). Introduction. In In Walton, R. & Loparic, Z. (Orgs.), Phenomenology 2005, (2), 13-31. Bucareste: Zeta Books.

29. Loparic, Z. (2007). Heidegger on Anthropology. In Walton, R. & Loparic, Z. (Orgs.), Phenomenolgy 2005, (2), 271-302. Bucareste: Zeta Books.

• 2009

30. Loparic, Z. (2009). On the Unavoidable Tasks of Pure Reason. Kant e-Prints, 3(2), 193-209.

• 2010

31. Loparic, Z. (2010). Winnicott´s Paradigm Illustrated by Clinical Cases. In International Society of Psychoanlaysis and Philosophy (Org.),  Function and Field of Clinical Concepts. São Paulo: USP. (Abstract).

32. Loparic, Z. (2010). Elements of Winnicott’s Theory of Sexuality. Winnicott e-Prints, série 2, 5(1)1. 

• 2011

33. Loparic, Z. (2011). Binswanger lecteur de Heidegger: un malentendu productif. In Leroy-Viémon, B. (Org.), Ludwig Binswanger Philosophie, Anthropologie clinique, Daseinsanalyse (pp. 63-87). Argenteuil: Le Cercle Herméneutique Éditeur.

• 2012

34. Loparic, Z. (2012). The Fundamental Problem of Kant’s Juridical Semantics. In Rauscher, F. & Perez, D. O. (Orgs.), Kant in Brazil (pp. 206-235). Rochester: University of Rochester Press.

• 2013

35. Loparic, Z. (2013). From Freud to Winnicott: Aspects of a Paradigm Change. In Abram, J. (Org.), Donald Winnicott Today (pp. 113-156). London: Routledge.

• 2014

36. Loparic, Z. (2014). Release of the International Research Group on Winnicott´s Paradigm (IRG-WP).

37. Loparic, Z. (2014). Release of the Winnicott Dictionary.

38. Loparic, Z. (2014). The Winnicott Dictionary Project. Winnicott e-Prints, 9(2), 1-23.

• 2016

39. Loparic, Z. (2016). Achievements of Winnicott´s Revolution. In Fonseca, E. R., Bocca, F. V., Almeida, R. M. & Loparic, Z., (Orgs.), Pluralismo na psicanálise (pp. 131-155). Curitiba: Pucpress.

• 2017

40. Loparic, Z. & Ribeiro, C. V. (2017), (Orgs), Winnicott and the Future of Psychoanalysis. São Paulo: DWW Editorial. 

41. Loparic, Z. (2017). Achievements of Winnicott´s Revolution. In Loparic, Z. & Ribeiro, C. V., (Orgs), Winnicott and the Future of Psychoanalysis. São Paulo: DWW Editorial.

• 2018

42. Loparic, Z. (2018). Winnicotts paradigm shift in psychoanalytic theory and practice. In Joyce, A. (Org.), Donald Winnicott and the History of the Present. Understanding the Man and his Work. London: Karnac.