• 1980

( 1 ) 1. Loparic, Z. (1980). Decidability and Cognitive Significance in Carnap. In A. I. Arruda, et al. (orgs.), Proceedings of the Third Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic (17-22/12/79) (pp. 173-197). São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Lógica. 

• 1982

( 2 ) 2. Loparic, Z. (1982). Decidability and Cognitive Significance in Carnap. Cadernos de História e Filosofia da Ciência, (3), 89-90. (Abstract)

• 1984

( 3 ) 3. Loparic, Z. (1983). Problem-Solving and Theory Structure in Mach. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 15(1), 23-49. 

( 4 ) 4. Loparic, Z. (1984). Decidability and Cognitive Significance in Carnap. In J. J. E. Gracia, et al. (orgs.), Philosophical Analysis in Latin America (pp. 313-337). Dordrecht: Reidel.

( 5 ) 5. Costa, N. C. A. & Loparic, Z., (1984). Edmund Husserl: Studien zur Arithmetik und Geometrie. Zentralblatt für Mathematik, 10-11. (Review)

• 1987

( 6 ) 7. Loparic, Z. (1987). Decidabilidade y la significación cognitiva in Carnap. In J. J. E. Gracia, et al. (orgs.), El análisis filosófico en America Latina. México, DF: Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. 

• 1988

( 7 ) 8. Loparic, Z. (1988). System-Problems in Kant. Synthese, 74(1), 107-140.

( 8 ) 9. Loparic, Z. (1988). A propos du cartésianisme gris de Marion. Manuscrito, 11(2), 129-133.

• 1990

( 9 ) 10. Loparic, Z. (1990). The Logical Structure of the First Antinomy. Kant-Studien, 81(3), 280-303.

• 1991

( 10 ) 13. Loparic, Z. (1991). Kant on Indirect Proofs. O que nos faz pensar, (4), 56-60.

( 11 ) 16. Loparic, Z. (1991). Kant’s Philosophical Method (I). Synthesis Philosophica, 6(2), 467-483.

• 1992

( 12 ) 17. Loparic, Z. (1992). Kant’s Philosophical Method (II). Synthesis Philosophica, 7(1), 361-381. 

• 1993

( 13 ) 18. Loparic, Z. (1993). Kantova filozofska metoda (II). Filozofska istrazivanja, 13(2), 397-415. 

• 2009

( 14 ) 31. Loparic, Z. (2009). On the Unavoidable Tasks of Pure Reason. Kant e-Prints, 3(2), 193-209.

• 2010

( 15 ) 32. Loparic, Z. (2010). Winnicott´s Paradigm Illustrated by Clinical Cases. In International Society of Psychoanlaysis and Philosophy (org.),  Function and Field of Clinical Concepts. São Paulo: USP. (Abstract).

• 2013

( 16 ) 36. Loparic, Z. (2013). From Freud to Winnicott: Aspects of a Paradigm Change. In J. Abram (org.), Donald Winnicott Today (pp. 113-156). London: Routledge.

• 2016

( 17 ) 40. Loparic, Z. (2016). Achievements of Winnicott´s Revolution. In E. R. Fonseca, F. V. Bocca, R. M. Almeida & Z. Loparic (orgs.), Pluralismo na psicanálise (pp. 131-155). Curitiba: Pucpress.

• 2018

( 18 ) 44. Loparic, Z. (2018). Winnicott's paradigm shift in psychoanalytic theory and practice. In A. Joyce (org.), Donald Winnicott and the History of the Present. Understanding the Man and his Work. London: Karnac.