• 2011

( 1 ) 34. Loparic, Z. (2011). Binswanger lecteur de Heidegger: un malentendu productif. In B. Leroy-Viémon (org.), Ludwig Binswanger Philosophie, Anthropologie clinique, Daseinsanalyse (pp. 63-87). Argenteuil: Le Cercle Herméneutique Éditeur.

• 2013

( 2 ) 36. Loparic, Z. (2013). From Freud to Winnicott: Aspects of a Paradigm Change. In J. Abram (org.), Donald Winnicott Today (pp. 113-156). London: Routledge.

• 2016

( 3 ) 40. Loparic, Z. (2016). Achievements of Winnicott´s Revolution. In E. R. Fonseca, F. V. Bocca, R. M. Almeida & Z. Loparic (orgs.), Pluralismo na psicanálise (pp. 131-155). Curitiba: Pucpress.

• 2017

( 4 ) 43. Loparic, Z. (2017). Achievements of Winnicott´s Revolution. In Z. Loparic & C. V. Ribeiro (orgs), Winnicott and the Future of Psychoanalysis. São Paulo: DWWeditorial.

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