Com Ofra Eshel e Danit Pondé
A Supervisão Pública de Caso Clínico faz parte da programação do
XXII Colóquio Winnicott Internacional: Transferência e Contratransferência em Winnicott.
Os idiomas do evento serão o Português e o Inglês.
data: 04 de maio de 2017
Horário: 19h00 às 21h00
Local: Centro Winnicott de São Paulo
Rua João Ramalho, 146 – Perdizes
Inscrições e informações: (11) 3676-0635/ (11) 9 9611-4805 com Iara Mattos
Supervisora: Ofra Eshel
Psy.D., is faculty, training and supervising analyst of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, and a member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA); co-founder, former coordinator and faculty of the Program of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Advanced Psychotherapists at the Israel Psychoanalytic Institute; cofounder, co-director and faculty of the Israel Winnicott Center; lecturer at the Program of Psychotherapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University. She is the Book Review Editor of Sihot-Dialogue, Israel Journal of Psychotherapy. Her papers were published in psychoanalytic journals and presented at national and international conferences. In recent years, she was the recipient of the Leonard J. Comess Fund grunt at the New Center for Psychoanalysis (NCP), Los Angeles, in 2011; visiting scholar at the Psychoanalytic Institute of North California
(PINC), San Francisco, in 2013; awarded the Frances Tustin Memorial Prize for
2013. She was featured in ‘Globes’ (Israel’s financial newspaper and magazine) as the
16th of the fi fty most infl uential women in Israel for 2012. She is in private practice in Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Supervisionanda: Danit Zeava Falbel Pondé
Psicóloga (UPM), especialista em Psicologia Hospitalar (H.I.A.E), psicanalista (IBPW), mestre e doutoranda em Filosofia da Psicanálise (UNICAMP), professora orientadora Centro Winnicott (São Paulo, Belo Horizonte e Rio de Janeiro), membro da International Winnicott Association (IWA), professora convidada MIS-SP, professora convidada no Curso de pós-graduação Faculdade Belas Artes de São Paulo.